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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点六年级下册Lesson 4 Did You Have Fun?下载详情
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What did you do ?

Teaching Aids:

PPT co lour chalks

Teaching steps:

Step1: Greeting:

T: Hello! Nice to meet you!

Ss: Nice to meet you, too!

T: How are you?

Ss: Fine, thanks

Free talk:

A: what sports do you play?

B: I play basketball

A: what is your favourite sport?

B: My favourite sport is….

….is my favourite sport.

I like …..best

A: Did you have fun?

B: Yes, I did

A:This class we will learn lesson 4 Did You Have Fun?

Step2: New concepts

Listen to the text and read some new words

Bought taught thought

/ ?:/ / ?:/ / ?:/

2、Read and find words (过去式)

Jenny: We went to a shop. Li Ming bought a T-shirt today.

Li Ming: We played ping-pong. I taught Jenny to hit the ball!

Danny wanted to hit the ball, too, but he hit his hand.

Jenny: We played basketball, too. I taught Li Ming to throw and

catch the ball. He is a good basketball player!

Mrs. Smith: Did Danny learn to play basketball, too?