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引导学生通过朗读、观察,培养学生按意群阅读的意识,提高学生的阅读 能力。通过回答问题,培养学生归纳整理能力,锻炼学生的英语思维。




3.增强 出游时的安全意识。


难点: 绝大部分学生能够用正确的语音、语调朗读短文,能综合运用本单元的核心句型。 2 重点:大部分学生能综合运用本单元的核心词句,根据阅读所获取的信息完成有意义的仿写活动。


Step I Pre-reading

Free talk T:boys and girls I ‘m Miss Hu ,I’m your English teacher. I like reading What are your hobbies? S: ...... . T; My father likes ......He is a farmer. What does your father do? S:..... T: Do you want to be a ......? What do you want to be? S: ...... .

2 、Sharp eyes T;You know so many jobs .Now let me check who can read the job words quickly 出示出示有关职业单词和图片,让学生快速读出。

【设计意图】通过快速闪现的单词,唤醒学生的记忆,并增加课堂的趣味性。 通过 Free talk,复习学过的句形,为下面的阅读做铺垫。

说一说,写一写 T;boys and girls ,give you a task.Write down 5 jobs on the paper.and then compare with your partner. How many different jobs are there in your list? 要求学生学出五种职业,然后同桌对比,看看自己与同桌列出职业的异同。


Step2 While-reading T :I have 3 new friends, look!( 呈现 3 张人物图片)They are Hu Bin 、Sarah and Robin. Do you want to know them?There is a passage about my friends,let’s read it choose a title for it,OK?

Read the passage quickly , and choose the title for the text 利用课文图片简单介绍文中的三个主人公:Hu Bin,Sarah and Robin,然后要求学生猜测题目,在快速阅读文段,选择适合文章的题目。 (课件展示题目选项及阅读提示“快速阅读,)

【预设】The Ss may choose A或B,教师讲解文中谈论到两部分,hobbies and jobs

TIP:Read quickly and find out What is the passage about(快速阅读文本,找出文章谈论的主要内容快速阅读文本,找出文章谈论的主要内容)

细读第一段.首先呈现 Hu Bin 图片,(1)引导学生观察图片 T:Look at the picture about Hu Bin. Guess :What’s Hu Bin’s hobby? (预设:学生 可能学生可能回答 He likes football.He likes sports) (2)引导学生猜测 What does he want to be? T:He likes sports,What does he want to be?(预设:学生可能回答 He wants to be a football player. He want to be a coach.) (3)Read the 1 st paragraph 回答问题 What does Hu Bin like? Where is he going to work ? 画出相关句子。(示 课件展示阅读提示 Tip:Read carefully,underline the key sentence and words)仔细读,画出有用的信息,依次解决问题,He likes sports.He wants to work in the gym. 教师教授,Do you like sports?(预设学生会说 Yes) If you likes ports ,you can be a coach, a sports reporter or a PE teacher.出示幻灯片。What does Hu Bin want to be? 同桌 讨论找答案。根据 gym,可以知道是 coach. (4) 完成表格Hu Bin What does he/she like? What does he/she want to be? Where is he/he going to work? )


细读第二三段,找出 Sarah、Robin 的爱好、理想职业、和工作地点。划出相关句子。 We know Hu Bin likes sports; He wants to be a coach ;He is going to work in a gym.How about Sarah and Robin? Read the 2 nd and 3 rd paragraph carefully and finish the table. Tip:Read carefully,circle the key words( 仔细读,画出重点词 ) Hu Bin ,Sarah ,Robin ,What does he/she like? sports What does he/she want to be? coach Where is he/he going to work? gym


学生质疑 Do you have any questions? Read quikly and find it. 预设:l 【预设】学生可能会不理解 secretary type very quickly, like 的意思。

Listen and imitate 。课件展示全部课文内容,播放课文录音,要求学生跟 读模仿正确的停顿、语音语调。

指导学生正确的语音语调跟读:讲授//pause 停顿朗读技巧。

He is good at football//,ping-pong//and basketball.If you like sports//,you can be a coach //,a sports reporter//,or a PE teacher. .

Step3 Post-reading