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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Reading 2: Halloween下载详情
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2. To retell the way to play “trick or treat”Teaching difficult points

To use some reading strategies such as skimming, scanning to get information from the article

Teaching aidsppt, pictures, tape recorder教学过程与内容Step1 Revision and lead- in

T: We have already learnt something about different festivals around the world. Do you remember them? Let’s read the riddles and have a guess.

Riddle1: People get together on that day. People watch the moon in the evening. People eat moon cakes on that day. (Mid-Autumn Festival)

Riddle2: It is in September. We are happy on that day. Teachers can get flowers or cards on that day. (Teachers’ Day)

Riddle3: It is in June. Children are very happy on that day. Children can get a lot of presents on that day. (Children's Day)

Riddle4: It is a western festival. Children can get a lot of presents on that day. Every family has a Christmas tree in the house. (Christmas)

Riddle5: It is a western festival too. People wear special clothes. Some people will dress up as a ghost. (Halloween)

2. T: Today we will talk about more details about Halloween.

Step2 Presentation

Show Ss pictures of Halloween.

Picture1: People who are dressing up and wearing masks

Picture2: People whose faces are painted

Picture3: Pumpkin lanterns

Picture4: Children who are playing “trick or treat”

Picture5: A Halloween party

First, let’s look at the big orange one. It is a lantern for us to see clearly at night, and this lantern is made out of a pumpkin. It’s a pumpkin lantern.

Learn and read the phrase “pumpkin lantern”

At Halloween, people dress up and wear masks or paint their faces. They try to make themselves different from usual, because it’s a special day.

Learn the phrases and word “dress up” “wear masks” “paint faces” and “special”

At Halloween, children’s favorite game is to play “trick or treat”. Have you heard about it? Give some explanations about this game.

Children will knock on people’s doors and ask for some candy as a treat. If they do not get the treat, they will play a trick on people. Learn the phrases “trick or treat” and “knock on the door”.

On the evening of October 31, people will have a party to celebrate the festival. What do you think they will do at the party? Play a radio about the Halloween party. A summary: People usually have nice food and drinks at parties.

Millie’s pen friend Wendy lives in the USA. She writes a letter to Millie to tell her something about Halloween. Now let’s listen to the letter and answer two questions:

Q1: When is Halloween?

Q2: What game do they play on that day?

Step3 Practice

Finish Part B1

Read the article and match the paragraphs with the main ideas
