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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Reading 1: Keeping fit下载详情
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Wrtie a letter to Mr. Wang well.

Teaching procedures:

Stage one Lead-in.

Watch a video.

Talk about the video to introduce to the saying: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Enjoy two sayings: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Life lies in exercise.

Step two Let’s learn.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.------ What we eat

Life lies in exercise.----- How we live

Step three Predicted reading.

Ask students to look at two pictures and guess what Kitty and Daniel eat and how they live. It aims to help students be familiar with what they are going to read and acivate the words or phrases about the topic in their minds.

Step four Fast reading.

Ask students to read the story quickly to answer the two questions:

What is the passage about?

Who lives a healthier life?

This activity helps students how to get the main idea of a passage by the tips given.

Step five Careful reading.

Ask students to read Part 1 to answer the two questions: What food does kitty like and what does kitty like doing?

After students answering the questions , they are supposed to learn to give advice:

To keep fit, we should/need ....

Ask students to read Part 2 and finish the questions by themselves.

They are going to give more suggestions.

Read Part 1 again and find out the structure: I have... For...

Work in pairs.

Read Part 2 again and find out the structure: I love..., but I plan to...

Speak to themselves.

Step six Post-reading.

Present students a picture of Mr Wang and ask them to talk about Mr. Wang, and then try to give him some advice about he should eat and how he should live.

Write. Ask them to write a suggestion letter to Mr Wang.


