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八年级下册(2011年1月第1版)《More practiceStudy skillsCulture corner》优质课教案下载-山西省优课

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Ask what body language includes.

Part II: In-class

Give some questions to the students about eye contact.

Listen to the recording on page 29.

Ask the students to answer the questions after listening.

① What does eye contact mean?

② Why is eye contact the key to communication?

③ If you do not use eye contact in Western countries, what may happen?

④ Do Asians use eye contact as often as Westerners?

⑤ What kind of eye contact is impolite in many countries?

Check the answers together.

Do some questions about eye contact.

Eye contact

Eye contact means looking into another person’s eyes. This is a very important part of body language. It can be (A) 交流的关键. Eye contact can show feelings (B) such as friendliness, interest and understanding.

In Western countries, using eye contact in conversations is very important. If you do not use eye contact, westerners may think that you are not listening. And if you look (C) _____, they may also think you are lying.

However, in many Asian countries, looking down when talking with an older person, like a teacher or a parent, is polite. (D)These differences can cause problems. For example, an Asian person might look down (E) _______ listening to a Western speaker .The Western speaker might think this person is not interested in what he or she is saying .

Not using eye contact can cause problems, but using too much is not polite either. In many countries, watching other people, (F) 尤其是陌生人, for a long time is impolite. This may make them feel nervous.

⑴将文中A和F翻译成英语A__________ F__________


⑶在文中C和E的空白处填入适当的单词:___________; ____________



Let students discuss the differences of eye contact between Western countries and Asian countries.

Eye contact

Western countries

Asian countries

It is ________ to use eye contact in conversations.

If you do not use eye contact, Westerners may think that ____________________________.

If you look away, they may think that _________________________.

If you look down, they may think that _________________________.
