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The students can grasp the general ideas of “Eye contact” and get clear about the structure of the article.

a. 通过快速阅读对文章重新进行排序,有助于引导学生理清文章结构。

b. 通过提出问题,培养学生仔细观察,搜寻和整理信息的能力。While-reading(Part 1)

a. Read the first paragraph and fill in the spider gram.

b. Retell it with the help of the key words.Through scanning Part 1, Ss discuss and search for the important information in this part.

引导学生运用跳读(scanning)的方法,迅速查找相关信息点,完成蛛网图。通过这个部分,既能调动大家的学习积极性,活跃课堂,又能锻炼学生的口语表达能力。(也给一些英语水平不高的学生自我展示的机会。)While-reading(Part 2)

a Learn the new words.

b. Read Paragraph2,and tell true or false about the sentences

Learning the new words first can make the students understand the article easily.

The students read in group and have a competition, which helps them develop the awareness of team work.a. 通过左手书空(即用左手食指空中拼写),练习新词汇。利用左手书空,既能提高学生的注意力,提高学生的参与意识,更能起到对学生右脑半球的开发和锻炼。

b. 充分利用探究性和研习性阅读,通过设计判断,推理等问题方式,促进学生对课文的理解

c. 以小组齐读的方式进行朗读比赛,有助于学生大声朗读习惯的养成,同时还能培养学生团队合作的意识。While-reading(Part 3)

Learn the new word ”Asian”

Read Paragraph 3 and answer the following questionsRead individually and then do Chain reading.

Read and answer the questions.Chain reading 可以使学生更多的参与到阅读和自我展示中来,通过多条链条式阅读,使链条上每个个体都能注意自己的语音语调,努力使自己的那个链条更胜于其他人,既能学生培养竞争意识,又能培养他们的团队精神。

A game

Decide “same or different”One will come to the front and perform the actions given on a piece of paper, the others guess the gestures猜词小游戏,既能给口语不好,但乐于表演的学生更多展示机会,同时也能促进大家积极思考,复习巩固知识,提高课堂趣味性。While-reading(Part 4)

Read the last paragraph and answer the following questions。

Several students write the answers on the blackboard.

The others read and discuss the questions, trying to get the correct answers.通过设计综合阅读题,来培养学生获取信息,处理信息的能力。


Read it again and identify the cause and effect.Ss listen to the recording and try to complete a form related to the text.阅读材料学习之后,通过听录音回答问题,既能练习学生的听力,纠正学生的发音,同时又能起到复习巩固的作用。Show time

眼神交流 情境应用

It is an output after they get some input and it helps with the understanding of the text .It will also enhance the Ss’ interest in the lesson. 通过设置不同情境,由学生进行表演,能增加学生对学习英语和本课的兴趣,更有助于对本课的理解。起到学以致用,知识输出的作用。Discuss and writeWrite a composition

It is _____ to use eye contact in Western countries通过写作,检测学生对本节阅读课知识的掌握,同时,这个环节还可以为教师调控课堂时间提供方便。Homework1. Write a composition : It is _____ to use eye contact in Western countries

2. Find more information about eye contact with the help of the Internet.起到复习本课,预习新课,为进一步学习“Body language”做好铺垫作用。板书设计: Eye contact

Para. 1 Introduction of eye contact

Eye contact Para. 2 Using eye contact in Western countries

Para. 3 Using eye contact in some Asian countries

Para. 4 Problems caused by eye contact
