师梦圆 - 让备课更高效、教学更轻松!
师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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Develop students’ speaking ability.

Train students’ writing ability.

Foster students’ communicative and cooperation ability.

Emotional ability

1. Help students to realize the importance of sports.

2. Encourage students to play sports to keep healthy.

ⅡTeaching key points

1. Students are able to master new words and expressions.

2. Students are able to talk about their favorite sports in pairs.

3. Students are able to work together to do some tasks.

4. Help students to realize the importance of sports and play sports to keep fit.

Ⅲ Difficult points

Improve students’ speaking ability.

Foster students’ communicative and cooperation ability.

Ⅳ Teaching methods

Student-centredness. Task-based teaching method. Communicative teaching method.

Ⅴ Teaching aids

PPT, interactive whiteboard, QQ, APP英语趣配音, 畅言教学系统.

Ⅵ Teaching procedures

Before class, I sent the KWL chart on QQ group. Students filled the chart and sent the chart back online.

(KWL chart is at the end of the teaching design. )

ProceduresLearning activitiesPurpose

Warming-up1. Students will watch a video dubbed by the teacher and answer the question.

What is the old lady doing in the video?

2. Task 1. Do you know them?

Students will look at some pictures of different kinds of sports on the whiteboard. One student will be invited to come to the front and match the words with the pictures on the whiteboard.Get students closer to the topic of the class by using the APP英语趣配音.

Review what students have known about the topic in order to learn new words. (According to the KWL chart students did before class.)

PresentationTask 2. Some popular sports

Students will learn some new words about sports and the sentences to express themselves when they talk about sports.

Students will fill the blanks in Part A on Page 19. One student will come to the front and write his/her answers on the whiteboard.

