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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Reading 1: A trip to the zoo下载详情

七年级下册(2013年11月第2版)《Reading 1: A trip to the zoo》集体备课教案下载-西安市优质课

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3.Teaching methods(教学方法):

Task- based method, Ss-centered method, Communicative method.(任务型教学,以学生为主体的教学法以及交际法)。教学难点:Being able to show the way for someone else, being able to make the right reaction on the route of the guidelines of others教学方式:Task-based teaching, group cooperation and exchange, playing games教学流程教学活动学生活动设计意图Step1 Lead-in

1. A story about the animals.

2. Show the way from the school to the zoo.

Q: Where is the zoo?

How can we get there?

( Learn: straight, along )

Step2 Presentation

1. Listen to the tape.

Q: What animals will we meet in Sunshine Zoo?

2. Scanning

① Read the introduction quickly, and then write down the different animals in the correct position.

② Please look at this map again and fill in the blanks.

A: I want to see …, where are they?

B: …are north/east…of...

3. Skimming:

Find the features of these animals.

Step3 Post-reading

1. Play a game.

Some questions, T or F.

2. 以动物的口吻自我介绍,表达对英雄的感激。

Eg: Hello, we are birds.

We can make beautiful sounds. We want to make friends with you, thank you very much!


Step4 Discussion

Show me the way from Sheyang hotel to Houyi Park.

Step 5 Summary

We should help others to find the way.

Step 6 Homework

1. To read the text carefully and try to recite.

