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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版九年级上册Reading: Family life in cities下载详情
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To help the students take part in English communicative activities willingly(积极参与课堂活动)

To encourage the students to solve the problems by dealing with the related information found by themselves. (鼓励学生自己提出问题和解决问题的能力)

Teaching steps:

Guide One

In pairs, discuss the following questions.

1 Who does most of the housework in your home?

2 Who makes most of the decisions in your family?

3 What are the rules about watching TV or playing computer

games in your home?

4 What do you like most about your family?

( 通过学生讨论,快速进入学习状态,激发学习兴趣,激活学习动机。)

Guide Two

Look at the first picture and answer the following questions.

1.What is Emily doing?

2.Does she look happy? Find some evidence from the first interview to support your answer.

3.What can we infer from this sentence? Can you find some evidence in the interview?

Look at the second picture and answer the following questions.

1.What is Jerry doing?

2.Does he look happy? Find some evidence from the second interview to support your answer. Compare the two pictures and describe Emily’s and Jerry’s family life.

Emily: Emily has got many possessions, but she is alone and looks unhappy.

Jerry: There is no fashionable furniture in Jerry’s flat, but his family get together and all look happy.


Guide Three

While you read:

How many parts are there in each interview?

What is special about the two interviews?

(Each interview has the answers of the interviewee but does not have the questions of the interviewer.)


Guide Four

