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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Integrated skills下载详情
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Hide under a strong desk or table to protect yourself.

Cover the burn with a clean towel.

III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1.Use the important words and phrases correctly and fluently.

2.Talk about first aid in simple English and know what to do first to deal with some accidents.

IV. Teaching procedures

Activity One Lead-in

Watch a short video about natural disasters and tell them out.

(fire, flood, typhoon, sandstorm, earthquake, tsunami, tornado…)

Activity Two Away from danger

Step 1 What should we do first when we face these problems?

(We should…)

Step 2 Look at the pictures and write the correct telephone number.

1).If someone is badly hurt, we can call ____ for help.

2).If a house is on fire, we can call_____ for help.

3).The man is a robber (强盗). The girl should call for help on ______.

4).Look, there is a traffic accident. They should call ____ for help.

Step 3 Finish A1 on page 99.


Step 4. How to protect yourself away from danger in your daily life?

1).Show some pictures and learn some new words and phrases.

2).Listen and finish A2

Before listening, let’s read some listening skills.

a. Predict (预测)the answer before listening.

b. Try to catch the main ideas and write parts of words at the first time.

c: If you have no time to write the word completely, you can write the first letter.

(Model: If there is a/an…, we should/mustn’t…)

3). Listen again and fill in the blanks in A3

4).Do a quiz

Traffic accidents

