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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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语言知识To master the vocabulary about the weather, and describe the weather.语言技能To develop their abilities of listening, speaking about the weather.语言运用To develop their ability of communication by using the new sentence patterns about weather.情感态度To love and enjoy the nature.学习策略autonomic learning strategy

cooperative learning strategy教学重点To master the vocabulary about the weather and describe the weather.教学难点To talk about their favourite season and why.教学用具 Multimedia,tape-recorder,chalk,blackboard, pictures


时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的第1-2分钟Warming up (Free talk)Having a free talk with students:

What's the weather like today?

② What season is it now?

③ If winter comes,how will you feel?Listen to the teacher and answer the questions.教师通过自由对话,调动学生积极性,自然引入本课话题。第2-7分钟Presentation1. Now winter is coming. Eddie feels very cold too.

let's listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo, and then find out the answer.

① What does he want to do?

2.Read the dialogue then answer my question.

① Does Eddie look cool with the clothes?

② Will Eddie really look cool with nothing on? And why?1. Listen to the tape and answer the question.

2. Read the dialogue and answer two more questions.

通过要求学生带着问题听读Eddie 和Hobo之间简洁有趣的对话并回答问题,训练学生听力能力,进一步熟悉、了解对话内容。最后一问属于发散性问题,训练学生们的思辨能力。第8-15分钟Practice1. Listen to the tape and repeat after it one by one. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

2. Boys act as Eddie, and girls act as Hobo, read the dialogue aloud.

3. Team1&2 act as Eddie, and Team1&2 act as Hobo, read the dialogue emotionally.

4. Ask the students to practice the dialogue with their partners, then invite some of to the front to act it out with suitable body language.1. Repeat after it one by one.

2&3. Read the conversation in different roles.

4. Practice in pairs. And then act it out with suitable body language.通过跟读和齐读,纠正学的发音;通过学生两人一组相互交换角色表演对话,给予学生自我思考和讨论的空间,体现学生的主体性。第16-37分钟Presentation1. Show some pictures of different weather.

Ask students to look at it and say the names of them.

① Look! It's raining. The ground is all wet. It's rainy.拼读rainy。

② Look! It's snowing heavily. The ground is all white. It's snowy.拼读snowy。

③ Look! There's a lot of fog. We can't see anything clearly. It's foggy.拼读foggy。

2. Finish part A of page 81.

3. Read these new words.

① Read after the teacher.

② Read it one by one.

③ Read it together.

4. Show a video about spring. Then answer some questions. ① What's the weather like in spring?

