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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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Teaching difficult points:

To talk about their favourite season and reason

Teaching contents:

Words: rainy, snowy, bet ,foggy

Phrases: look cool, withing nothing on

Sentences:Which season do you like best?

It’s the best time to play football outside

Which is your favourite your season?

Teaching aids:

Some cards, chalk, blackboard, multimedia

Teaching procedure :

Step1 presentation

1 Enjoy the weather song

2 Show some pictures about the weather to the students and talk about the weather

3 Fill in the blanks with the right words

4 Have a free talk with students with the following questions

What’s the weather like today?

What season is it now?

How do you feel in this winter?

3 Now it’s winter, Eddie feels very cold too. Let’s listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo,and then find out the answers to the following questions

What does Eddie want to do?

Is it cold today?

Does Eddie look cool in the clothes?

Step 2 Practice

1 Listen to the tape and repeat after it one by one. pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation

2 Read the conversation in different roles

3 Ask some students to act out the dialogue with suitable body language

Step 3 Presentation

1 Show some pictures about the weather and seasons.Ask the students to look them and say the names of them.

2 Read the new words after the teacher

