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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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Step1: Lead in Let students enjoy a short video and lead in the new lesson.

Step 2: Presentation

Give students’ a brief introduction about J. k. Rowling and Harry Potter series.

Teach students the new words by introducing t he book.

Step 3: Listening

Before listening, ask students to predict t he answers according to t he introduction.

Listen to the tape and complete Suzy’s notes in Part A2.

Step 4:Discussion

Work in pairs, ask and answer information about J. K. Rowling in Part A2. Encourage them to make up more question sentences .

Step 5: Presentation

Listen to the tape, help Millie underline the mistake in each sentence and write the correct words in the blanks.

Complete the passage on the exercise paper.

Step 6: Listening

P lay a guessing game to guess the type of book.

Finish Part A1 on Page 57 and check the answers together.

Step 7: Presentation

Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

Read the dialogue together and explain the language points.

Discuss what students should pay attention to if they want to borrow a book in the library.

Step 8: Practice

Ask students to work in pairs. Role-play Daniel and the school librarian.[

Ask several pairs to act it out.

Step 9: Presentation

Ask students to introduce th eir favourite book.


Finish some exercises on the exercise paper.

Preview Task.

