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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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(2). Who has read the same type of books as Millie? ( Sandy.)

Step = 3 ﹨* ROMAN III . 呈现

1. (1) What do you know about this boy?

(2) Who is he?

(3) Is he the main character in this book?

(4)Who is the writer?

(5) Is the Harry Potter series popular?

(6)How many books in the Harry Potter series have you ever read?

(7) What type of books are they?

Step = 4 ﹨* ROMAN IV . 听力

1. Listen to the tape and write down the information about the writer.

2. Listen to the tape again and write down the information about the Harry Potter series.

3. complete partA3 and correct the mistakes

B Speak up:I want some history books.

Step I. 呈现

l. Do you often borrow books from our school library? If you want to borrow a book, what should you pay attention to?

(1)We must know how many books we can borrow at a time.

(2)We must know how long we can keep the books.

(3)We must return the books on time.

(4)We must take good care of the books.

(5)If we want to keep the books longer, we must renew them.

2. Now let’s listen to a conversation between Daniel and Mrs. Li, the school librarian. And then answer these questions.

3. Listen again and read after the tape.

Step II. 活动

1 Work in pairs. Role—play Daniel and the school librarian.

2 Suppose you’re in a gym. Make a new conversation using Part B as a model.

