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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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Read aloud these new words:

Step 3 Make a dialogue

- Do you like reading?

- … .

- What type of book do you like?

- … .

- What’s the name of the book?

- … .

Step 4 Listening

Listen to the tape and finish part A1.

The Class 1, Grade 8 students are talking about what they have read recently. Listen to them and match each student with the type and name of the book they have read.

Check the answers.

Step 5 Presentation

1. Enjoy a video and some pictures and present J.K. Rowling

2. Listen to the tape and complete part A2.

Suzy plans to read the Harry Potter series. She is telling her classmates about the books. Listen to what she says and complete her notes.

3. Check the answers.

3. Listen again and complete part A3.

4.Millie made some notes of the Harry Potter series. However, she has made some mistakes. Listen to Suzy again. Help Millie underline the mistake in each sentence and write the correct words in the blanks.

Step 6 Emotional education

Books are gifts you can read again and again.

Let’s enjoy reading,enjoy life!

Step 8 Homework

1. Search for more information about J.K Rowling and Harry Porter if you are interested.

2. Preview the next lesson.

Blackboard design

Unit 4 Integrated skills


sales e.g.Harry Porter has been translated into

copy many languages so far.

