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八年级下册(2013年11月第2版)《Study skills: Transitions between ideas》最新教案下载-滨州市优质课

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Step3: While-task

Task1:What is a transition?

A transition is like the bridge that connects one idea to the next . In writing, a transition may be a word, a phrase or a sentence.

Task2: Have a discussion

Share some transitional words and phrases with your group members.

Task3: Types of transitions

Lead the students to learn about the types of transitions one by one.

Look at this boy. He is my student---Mike. He is very funny. I’ll introduce his story to you.

1.Mike enjoys outdoor sports

( )

he likes playing basketball, skiing, and fishing.

What transition can we use here to connect the two ideas? Do you know the other transitions to give an example?

2.Mike did some outdoor sports today .

( )

He played basketball with his friends.

( )

He skiied on the mountain.

( )

He went fishing.

What transition can we use here to connect the two ideas? Do you know the other transitions to show sequence?

3.Mike scored a goal ( ) his team won the game.

What transition can we use here to connect the two ideas? Do you know the other transitions to show time?

4. Mike loves to go swimming in the river.

( )

His parents won’t allow him to do that.

What transition can we use here to connect the two ideas? Do you know the other transitions to compare or contrast?

5. Mike is a great swimmer ( ) he’s very good at diving.

What transition can we use here to connect the two ideas? Do you know the other transitions to add more information?

6. Mike plays basketball ( )he plays every Saturday.

What transition can we use here to connect the two ideas? Do you know the other transitions to emphasize?

