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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版九年级下册GrammarReview of tenses:Review of the passive voice下载详情

沪教2011课标版《GrammarReview of tenses:Review of the passive voice》公开课教案下载-辽源市优质课

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To help Ss use the passive voice to write a speech about the environment.



To help Ss learn to be independent in self-learning and be cooperative in

group work. (引导学生学会独自学习和合作学习)

To help Ss be aware that we should protect the environment.


Focal and Difficult Points 重点难点

1. The passive voice(被动语态)

2. Ss work actively in groups and use the passive voice to write a speech on the environment


Teaching Methods 教学方法

Flipped classroom翻转课堂;task-based任务型教学法

Teaching Aids 教学辅助

PPT;video视频; projector投影

Teaching procedures 教学步骤

Step One Leading in 引入 (8 mins)

1. Review a video about the passive voice and get Ss to take down notes when theyare watching it. (回顾被动语态的微课视频,并做好笔记)

2. Work in groups to finish the mind-map.(小组合作完成思维导图)

3. Show the mind-map with the projector. (投影展示思维导图)

( Purpose: To lead in the topic and review the passive voice 目的:引入话题,回顾被动语态相关知识)

Q: Why do we use mind-map? (通过思考“为什么我们要运用思维导图”引导学生认识到思维导图在学习过程中的辅助作用)

Step Two: Group discussion小组探究 (5 mins)

1. Discuss the problems in the pre-test and tell how to choose the right answers.


2. Summarize the strategy: how to choose the right passive voice?


3.Review the reflection questions and learn some useful sentence patterns with the passive voice.(回顾视频中的反思问题,学习有用的被动语态句型)

(Purpose:To encourage students to solve the problems in groups and learn some useful sentence patterns with the passive voice. 目的:发展学生小组合作解决问题的能力,积累被动语态有用的句型)
