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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Task: My best holiday下载详情
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Step 2 Warming up

Show some pictures about Hong Kong and introduce Disneyland is a famous theme park.

In Ocean Park, we can see the dolphin show and the bird show. Every year many tourists go there to have a good time especially(特别)the children.

【讲授】8A Unit 2 Travelling Task

Step 3 Task 1

1. How does Kitty write her article?

Step 1(part A): ?

Step 2(part B): ?

Step 3(part C): ?

2. Look at Kitty’s fact file –Part A in page 32 carefully and try to remember more information about Kitty’s trip to Hong Kong.

Step 4 Presentation

Useful expressions

It took us …to fly to

The next day, we went to…

I loved watching the interesting…

…was exciting/beautiful/fantastic

On the third day, we visited…

We went to…on the fifth day

…was the best part of the day

We enjoyed this trip very much

【活动】8A Unit 2 Travelling Task

Step 5 Task 2

1. Analysis (分析) kitty’s article. We can group this article into 3 parts:

part 1: para(? )—para(? ) It is mainly about

part 2: para(? )—para(? ) It is mainly about

part 3: para(? )—para(? ) It is mainly about

2.? During Kitty’s article, Kitty used some adjectives(形容词)and adverbs(副词)to describe her article. Could you please find them out as many as you can?

3. Complete Kitty’s article in Part B, page 33 as quickly as you can.

Step 6 Conclusion

1. We can divide Kitty’s article into 3 parts:

