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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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1. To know how to express good and bad manners in public places in English.

2. To talk about what we should or shouldn’t do in public places with others.

3. To know how to show good manners in public places.

Teaching preparation: pictures, periods of videos, computer, MP3, colorful notes.

Teaching methods: listening, speaking, reading, writing

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Task1 Enjoy and learn new words.

1. Show a short video about manners.

2. Present some pics and teach ss new words in this period.

3. Ss read the words and related phrases.

Step 2 Task2 Manners in public places.

1. Show ss the pics in the book and help them tell the expressions.

2. Ss read the phrases together and try to remember them.

3. Ss discuss the right and wrong things in pairs and finish the exercises in the book.

4. Check the answers one by one and read to consolidate.

Step 3 Task3 Manners in the library.

1. Lead in this part by revising the good manner in the library.

2. Ss listen to the material and know more about the manners in the library.

3. Ss read the dialogue and discuss the right and wrong things to do in the library.

4. Present the answers and ss read the expressions.

Step 4 Task4 Practice: Manners in our life.

1. Show the dialogue in a simple way.

2. Help ss talk about the good and bad manners in different places.

3. Ss practice in pairs according to the given information using the dialogue as a model.

4. Conclusion: We should be a good person with good manners.

Step 5 Task5 Comic strip.

1. Ask and lead in: Do you think dogs should have good manners?

2. Ss watch the video and answer the question.

3. Ss read together after the tape.

4. Ss read the dialogue in different roles.

