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八年级下册(2013年11月第2版)《Study skills: Using English sayings》公开课教案下载-宜昌市优质课

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入1. Greetings.

2. Ask students to chant the following sentences.

3. They’re all English sayings. Many people have their favorite sayings, including me. My favorite saying is when in Rome, do as the Romans do. That’s because of a trip. Let’s go and see it.

Students chant the following sentences.


1. Last year, my friend Helen invited me to a trip to the UK and I booked the tickets online beforehand(提前). I also designed the route(路线) well. Do you know why?

Yes. The early bird catches the worm. Do you know its Chinese meaning? It means: you have to do something before others in order to be successful.

Look at the picture: Where are they? What are they doing? Why are they reading here at 7:30 a.m.?Listen and try to answer the questions. The early bird catches the worm.谚语的学习离不开谚语本身所存在的语言情境,基于这种考虑,我在呈现书本上的六个谚语时以“a trip to the UK”为一根主线,贯穿整个语境,呈现六个谚语。使用呈现-讲解-练习的模式,让学生在有文化背景的情景中自然了解谚语的用法。同时,设有地道的例句,让学生更清楚的知道怎样在语境中使用正确的谚语。这种教学方法避免了纯粹的讲解和机械的套用所带来的诸多弊病,使学生在真实的情境中感知和切身体会谚语的用法。2. When I packed my luggage, can I put the ticket, the purse, ID card and passport in the same place?

If that, I may lose everything all at one time.

Can you give me some clever advice?

Thank you. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Do you know the meaning?

Look at the picture and try to finish the talk.Put all your eggs in one basket means: Risk losing everything all at one time.

Larry: How is it going?

Peter: I buy stocks(股票) with all my money, and you see I’ve earned(赚) a lot.

Larry: That's great. But don’t put all your eggs in one basket.3. We finally arrived in the UK and I felt tired, so we hurried to the hotel. Unluckily, I couldn’t find my purse. More unluckily, the passport was missing too and I really wanted to cry!

We can say “It never rains but it pours.”

Can you guess the meaning?

