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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级上册Reading 1: The power of colours下载详情

九年级上册(2014年6月第1版)《Reading 1: The power of colours》公开课教案下载-晋城市优质课

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Some people prefer this colour when they hope for success.

If you require strength in either body or mind, red may be of some help to you.

III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1. Understand the passage in different ways to improve reading skills;

2. D DDescribe what colours do and what characteristics they represent by different reading skills.

IV. Teaching procedures

Step 1: Pre-reading

Understand some new words with pictures .

Show different colours can influence our moods with pictures.

T: Now I believe you are very interested in colours. In fact, different colours can influence our moods. Some colours can make us feel excited or calm, while others will make us feel nervous or relaxed.


Step 2: While-Reading

1. Skimming

(1) Skim the whole passage and find out the main idea of the passage

T: How many colours are mentioned in the article?

What are they?

T: Where did you find the answer? Right! From the sentence “This article explains what colours can do what characteristics they represent.” Just go through the title, the main headings, the first and last paragraph, and we’ll find the answer quickly.

(2)Work in pairs. Ask and answer.

A: What does each colour represent?

B: … represents …/… is the colour of …


2. Scanning

(1) Scan each passage and answer some questions.


Can colours influence our moods? What can they do?

Why do people in cold areas prefer warm colours in their home?

What does orange represent? What can it do?

What colour do some people prefer when they hope for success? Why?

Fill in the blanks after watching the cartoon

Did you know that colour can affect our______? Did you know

