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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级上册Task: My favourite film star下载详情
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Step3: Which film is the most famous that Audrey Hepburn acted in ?

Show the poster Roman Holiday, introduce the actor Gregory Peck.

In the film, they acted a romantic story ,out of the film ,they continued their story. D o you want to know about it?

In the film, Audrey Hepburn_______________ (扮演主角 公主), and Gregory Peck was a reporter. The reporter________________(爱上某人) the princess quietly. In fact, out of the film, Gregory Peck __________(吸引奥黛丽赫本的注意力). At that time, Gregory was__________________(一位成功的男演员) , but Audrey Hepburn was just ________________ (一位年轻的女演员). Because of many reasons ,they loved each other silently until they _________(过世).


Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck are excellent actors and actresses. In China ,there are also many good actors and actresses like that.

D o you know them ?

Maybe we can learn something from them .

Use if, (al)though, but ,unless ,until to make sentences.

Use so such…that to make sentences.

_______it was very cold in the water in winter, Wang Xiaoming stayed in it for acting .

He isn’t very famous_____ he acts in many hot plays.

He is handsome, _____ he depends on his acting skills

_____t here is a chance, you must catch it .

You won’t stay in the film industry_____you are very hard-working .

Jackie Chan is very old,____ he never uses stuntmen .


Because of these good actors and actresses, we can enjoy many good films .Let us talk about your favourite flim. The day before yesterday ,I told you wrote it. I chose some of you ,let’s enjoy them .

Ask the writers to read their own passage ,then ask the others to pick the sentences they like best .


Making a good film needs many people ’effort. Let us know these people.

Films of various positions:

出品人?﹨制片人:Producer?顾问:Consultant? 导演:Direction


布景师:Set?designer? 灯光:Light造型师:Modelling?teacher


?作曲:Composition? 剪辑:Editing

Step7: Just now the eight students recommended 8 film to you .I also want to recommend a film to you .It is Life is beautiful , and I want to tell you that Life is like a movie. Everyone plays the leading role in their own movie. But in others' movie, you are always a supporting role. I believe your movie will be more spectacular with me in it.

We are starring in our lives!

Step 8:Homework

