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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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They thought aliens were dangerous and would harm people.

I’m not sure if it’s worth the risk.

After all, humans have already been to the Moon.

III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

Listening and speaking.

IV. Teaching procedures

A Living on Mars

Step 1 Lead-in

Free talk: What would life on Mars be like?

You can use the information in Reading.

Step 2 Before listening

Make a survey

T: Do you want to live on Mars in the future? Why or why not?

Step 3 While listening

Listen to the preview

T: Most/Some of you want to live on Mars. Our friend Daniel also wants to live on Mars, while Sandy is not sure if she would like to. There is going to be a TV program on living on Mars. Listen to the preview and make notes with Sandy please. Open your English books and turn to page59.

Survey carried out in: _____________________

Day: _____________________

Channel: _____________________

Name of programme: _____________________

Time: _____________________

Percentage of students who would

like to move away from the Earth ________

2. Listen to the TV programme

(1) Understand the main idea

T: Now let’s listen to the programme together and try to understand what it is about.

(2) Fill in the blanks

T: Listen to the programme again and write down the advantages and the disadvantages of living on Mars.

T: Listen to the programme for the third time if necessary and check the answers.

Step 4 After listening
