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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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(2). Learn to answer questions correctly according to the given information

(3).Speak out a short passage about familiar topics no less than seven sentences according to provided information

Teaching aids:

Smartboard, Record Media

Teaching methods:

Task-basic Approach, Communicative Approach

Teaching importance and difficulties:

(1).Learn where to stop in a sentence according to the meaning and structure of the sentences

(2).How to predict what you will hear effectively

(3).How to get over the feeling of nervousness

Teaching contents

(1).Listen to dialogues and passages and answer questions

(2).Read passages correctly and smoothly

(3).Answer questions according to the given context

(4).Speak out a topic according to the given Chinese

Teaching procedures

Step one: The introduction of procedures of the Speaking and Listening test

Step two: Listening

Types of different questions:

Type one: choose a correct picture after listening.

Type two: answer according to a dialogue.

Type three: fill in the blanks in the form

Type four: choose the correct answer after listening to a short passage

2. Practise some difficult listening problems

Strategies: 1. We need numbers even simple calculation to work out the answer

2. We need to catch the speakers’ opinion attitude or assessment

3. We should conclude or infer to find the right answer

Step three: Reading

1.Correct the pronunciation of some words

2. Practice the pause of a sentence according to the meaning and structure
