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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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(Pre-listening)1. Review the present situation of the Earth by showing some pictures of the Earth.

2. Revise the word “crowded” and ‘polluted’.Watch, think and read.To lead in the lesson.Step 2:

Lead in

(Pre-listening)1. Play a short flash video about life on Mars for the Ss. Teach the word “alien”.

2. Encourage the Ss to list some advantages and disadvantages of living on Mars by using the sentences “I think life on Mars will be great / exciting / comfortable / interesting because……” and “I think life on Mars will be worse because……”

(Present the new words “advantage” and disvantage”)

3. Make a survey: Ask Ss to put up their hands if they would like to live on Mars.

4. Conclusion: Work out the percentage of the students who want to move to Mars.

5. Teach the new word “survey”, “carry out”, “percentage”.Free talk and read new words.To attract Ss’ attention and arouse the students’ interest.Step 3

Task 1: Part A1

(While-listening)1. Daniel wants to live on Mars in the future. However, Sandy is still not sure if she would like to. This week, there is a TV programme on this topic. Listen to the preview. Help Sandy make notes of it.

2. Check the answers together and then practice the new words with the teacher.

( Keys: Friday evening, Sunshine TV, Move in Mars, from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. 50% )Listen to the preview. Help Sandy make notes of it.Lay the foundation for the next hearing and dialogue.Step 4

Listening skills

(While-listening)1. Ask the Ss to think about two questions about listening skills after finishing Part A1.

(1) What should we do before listening to the tape?

(2) What should we do if we have no enough time to write the whole words while listening?

2. Encourage to answer the above two questions about listening skills.

3. Make a summary:

(1) We should read the information that has been given as carefully as possible to predict what kind of information we my hear.

(2) If we have no enough time to write down the whole words that we hear, we can write the first letter of the word and later complete them.Try to summary some useful listening skills.Lay the foundation for the next hearing and dialogue.Step 5

Task 2: Part A2

(While-listening)1. Take the students to look through the listening materials and predict what kind of information they will hear.

2. Sandy is watching the TV programme. She wants to write down the important points. Listen to the discussion and help her complete her lists.

3. Check the answers one sentence by one sentence. Then read them by the students themselves.


1. It would be very interesting.

2. We could study at ____________.

3. It is not so crowded, with much more _____.

4. Travelling in space would be ____.
