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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级下册Task: A guide to living on Mars下载详情
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Step 2 Talk about more for living on Mars

on Mars pills gravity helmet special boots Transport spacecraft space shuttles

Entertainment low-gravity basketball games Money Mars dollars electronic(电子的)

Step 3 Discuss

Life on Mars

a Cars float in the air b Low-gravity basketball games

c Traffic with no air pollution d Space clothes and food

e Many online theatres f Planet Mars Bank

g Goods from Earth are hard to find h Visit the two moons

Step 4 Complete the blanks

Daniel is making a guide to living on Mars in the future. First, help him complete the spidergram below to organize his ideas. Write the correct letters in the blanks.

Money Keys: f Planet Mars Bank


Keys: b Low-gravity basketball gamese Many online theatresh Visit the two moons

Shopping Keys: d Space clothes and food g Goods from the Earth are hard to find

Transport Keys: a Cars float in the air c Traffic with no air pollution

Step 4 Complete the draft.

Here is a guide to living on Mars in the future. Finish some exercises on page 63

Daniel is writing his draft. Help him complete it.

Step 5 Language points

They make us feel like we are really inside the games!

fee like 想要;感觉好像feel like sth / doing sth /(that)+从句


Keys: I feel like catching a cold.He feels like (that) he has been to Mars.

If you feel like working here, please don’t be late again.

Step 6 Summary

Step 7 Try to make a spidergram about it! A sample writing

Step 8 Writing Write your guide to living on Mars !Report your life !

Step 9 Homework

Finish your writing.
