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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版七年级上册Section B 2a—3c Self check下载详情
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T: What's the date today? New Year’s Day is coming. Happy New Year, everyone.

What day is it today? How’s your Friday? Do you like this Friday? Why?

I like this Friday, because we only have three classes in the morning and we have a New Year’s art festival in the afternoon. We will sing and dance.

2) Presentation

This is the schedule today. What subjects do you have? When do you have Chinese?

Who’s your Chinese teacher? Do you like him? Why? Do you like Chinese? Why?

When do you have English? When do you finish history? How long do your have the art festival?


Step 2 While reading

Let’s read the short passage and answer the questions.

(1)What kind of the passage is it?

(2)Who writes the letter? From which words or sentence can you know the answer?

(3)What’s the letter about? From which sentence can you know the answer?

(设计意图:设计(1), (2) 两个问题, 让学生弄清文章的文体和格式,自己写作是也要模仿格式;设计(3)问题,目的为了让学生学会找主题句,学会理解中心意思,同时在写作中学会模仿写总起句。)

Read the letter again and fill in the chart. (Work in groups of four.)

FridayTimeSubjects/ActivitiesDescription Words

(形容词)Like or doesn’t like8:00 to 8:50???9:00 to 9:50???10:00 to 10:50???11:00 to 11:50???12:00 to 1:00???1:00 to 1:50???2:00 to 4:00??? Tell us your answers in your group. Please try to say the answers in a whole sentence.

Yu Mei has ...at .../from ...to ... She has ...for ... Her ...class finishes at ../She finished ...at ..She thinks ...is ... So she likes/doesn’t like it.

Then retell Yu Mei’s Friday according to the chart.


3)Find out the linking words from the letter and revise the form of the letter.


Step3 Writing

Now you are Jenny. You want to write back to Yu Mei and tell Yu Mei about one of your school days.



Read the letter on page 53 and finish the letter.

Read another from Yu Mei to Jenny. Jenny also wants to tell Yu Mei about her Saturday or Sunday. Help Jenny write another letter to Yu Mei.

Dear Jenny,

Thanks for your last letter. Now I know your school day. Here I want to tell you about my Saturday.