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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津上海课标版九年级上册Unit 2 Traditional skills下载详情
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2. 课程进行阶段:



1. 在准备展示材料的过程中,如何搜集、删减、整合、简化各种相关资源;

2. 如何利用所学的英语知识表达地道的传统广州美食;

3. 如何在其它组展示的过程中通过速记等方式获取所需的信息;

4. 如何在进行食物展示过程中与同学进行有效互动。



英语新课标指出基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神, 实现英语工具性与人文性的统一。因此本堂课使用“有效互动为核心,学为所用为宗旨“的“生命化课堂”教学模式。


StageStage aimTeacher activitiesStudents’ activitiesTimeLeading-in Stimulate Ss’ interest and lead in the topic.1. Play a video about some traditional cultures of Guangzhou. Show some pictures of some traditional food of Guangzhou.

2. Ask Ss to share some traditional food of Guangzhou they like best. Lead in the topic—A bite of Guangzhou.1.Watch a video and enjoy the pictures.

2. Share some traditional food of Guangzhou they like best.2 minsBrainstorming1. Introduce some key points on how to introduce a kind of food.

2. Pave the way for the presentation tasks.Guide Ss to brainstorm how to introduce a kind of food. Brainstorm how to introduce a kind of food.3 minsPresentation1. Improve Ss’ speaking skills-- introduce a kind of food effectively.

2. Improve Ss’ listening skills – listen for general and specific information.1. Introduce the chefs and their assistants in Puiching Restaurant to introduce the special recommendations on the menu to the foreign friends.

1. Group1 introduces the kind of traditional food --- Rooster Olives

Forms: presentation, Qs and As , sharing

Group2 introduces the kind of traditional food --- Turnip?Cake

Forms: video, presentation, Qs and As , sharing

Group3 introduces the kind of traditional food--- Bamboo Noodles

Forms: video, presentation, Qs and As, sharing

Group4 introduces the kind of traditional food--- Wonton

Forms: presentation, teaching and learning.

Ss listen to the presentation and finish the menu of Puiching Restaurant.30minsDiscussionRaising Ss’ awareness on keeping the traditional cultures of Guangzhou alive.

1. Guide Ss to brainstorm how to start out small to keep the traditional food of Guangzhou alive.

2. Share some ideas on keeping the traditional food of Guangzhou.

1. Work in groups to discuss and share the ideas on how to keep the traditional food of Guangzhou.3 minsConclusionConclusion.Remind Ss of how to introduce a kind of food effectively.Recall how to introduce a kind of food effectively.2 minsAssignmentWrite a report to introduce the ways of keeping the traditional food of Guangzhou alive.
