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高三上册《Unit 6 Drama》教案优质课下载

Teaching important points:

Help the students learn how to understand the change of the character of the drama figure

Teaching methods:

Using pictures, discussion, reading, scanning and careful reading

Teaching procedures and ways:

Step 1.leading-in

Ask students to read a little funny story to conclude the character of Mark Twain

Step 2. Pre-reading

Ask students to analyze the style of this article through skimming this passage

Step 3. While-reading

Task 1 Reading and playing

Ask students to read this passage according to its persons and then conclude the main idea of this passage.

Task 2 Find out the answers to the following questions

1. Where does Henry Adams come from?Does he know much about London?

2. What did he do in America?

3. Why did he land in Britain?

Task 3 Think about what kind of person Henry was according to the Henry’s lines?

Step 4. Act this play

Ask students to discuss in groups how to act these different persons.

In pairs describe how Henry’s feelings change during the conversation.

Step 5. Prediction

What do you think will happen to Henry?

Will the bank-note help him or get him into trouble?

Step 6. Homework

Give a possible development to the story.