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3.do some exercises

Task 1:

Getting to know the great literary giant:

Mark Twain

Once Mark Twain was travelling with a friend of his. His friend lost his money, so he asked Mark Twain to buy a train ticket for him.

“But I don't have enough money to buy two tickets,” said Mark Twain.

His friend didn't know what to do.

“You can hide under my seat when the conductor(检票员) comes to check the tickets,” Mark Twain said to him.

Funny Story

When the conductor came to check the tickets, Mark Twain gave him two tickets, one for himself and the other for his friend.

He said to the conductor, “My friend is a strange man. When he travels on a train, he does not like to sit on the seat. He likes to lie on the floor under the seat.”

Everyone in the train looked at his friend under the seat and laughed.

Like to play jokes on his friends


what's his character?

What is the style of this text?


B. an exposition(说明文)

C. An argumentation (议论文)

D. a drama/play(戏剧)


What's the story talking about?

Two rich gentlemen made a bet on what would happen to a person if he was given a million pound note.

Henry, the hero of the story, an American young man, sailed too far, drifted out to the ocean. A British ship, for London, passing by, fortunately saved him.

Jobless, penniless, honest, the right person to choose for betting