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外研2003课标版《Reading and vocabulary》优质课教案下载

Our students have mastered certain skills in English reading. They are familiar with the topic of scientific experiments and have accumulated some background knowledge. However, it’s a challenge for them to express themselves because they are afraid of making mistakes and unfamiliar with the procedures of performing experiments. In addition, they don’t have a solid foundation of related vocabulary. So in this lesson, I will create an environment to encourage the students to express and show themselves.

= 3 ﹨ ROMAN III . Analysis of the Teaching Aims and Demands:

According to the requirements of the Standard of New Curriculum, analysis of the teaching material and students’ cognitive level, the teaching aims and demands of this lesson are fixed as follows:

1. Knowledge:

1) Students are guided to master the meaning and pronunciation of the important expressions: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, zinc, iron, copper, oxide, rust.

2) Students are guided to understand the content of the lesson, catch the central as well as detailed information of The Reaction of Metals&A Simple Scientific Experiment and acquire the procedures of doing experiments.

2. Ability:

1) Students are expected to develop the reading skills of skimming and scanning.

2) Students are instructed to develop their ability of information gathering, comparing and analyzing.

3) Students are guided to learn how to process information and carry out experiments according to English instruction.

3. Emotion:

1) Students are encouraged to learn the spirit of cooperation by participating in teamwork.

2) Students are guided to learn the responsible attitude towards scientific experiments.

= 4 ﹨ ROMAN IV . Analysis of the Important and Difficult Points:

To achieve the aims of this lesson, some points are specially emphasized as the important and difficult points.

1. To lead the students to make use of related expressions flexibly to express themselves.

2. To design tasks properly to help the students make use of the knowledge about scientific experiments effectively.

= 5 ﹨ ROMAN V . Analysis of the Teaching Methodologies:

communicative approach; task-based language teaching; situational language teaching; computer-assisted language teaching?

= 6 ﹨ ROMAN VI . Teaching Procedures:

By analyzing relevant teaching elements and the students’ command of English, I will finish the designed task in a harmonious atmosphere by following seven steps.

Step One: Lead-in

At the beginning of the class, the students are exposed to a situation where a chemical reaction happens. They are guided to talk about other examples of such changes in their life.

Purpose of the Design: To fix the students’ attention on the topic of the lesson.

Step Two: Pre-reading