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而本文The steamboat是马克吐温笔下《哈克贝利芬历险记》当中较短小的一部分,背景和情节提示不足的情况下,需要精心设计,让学生真实感受精彩的文学作品,所以在这一节阅读课中我不设语言点讲解,重在读作品,感受文学作品。




教学目标分析三维教学目标知识与能力1. To help the students learn about some words in this period;

2. To help the students develop reading skills (skimming and scanning);

3. To help the students learn about literature work.

 过程与方法1. To help the students learn individually;

1.To encourage the students to learn to work in groups.

 教学方法Use different tasks to guide the students’ learning.  学法指导To help the students learn individually and cooperatively.情感态度价值观1. To help the students learn about and learn from literature work and develop their interest in reading;

2. To help the students establish good attitude to learning English and develop good habit of learning English.

 教学重点、难点分析教学重点及分析1. To help the students develop their reading skills;

2. To encourage the students to learn and use what they learn in this class.

教学难点及突破To help the students master skills of fast reading.

 教学辅助工具Multi-media, blackboard and handout.  

教学过程设计教学步骤设计意图Step 1 Warming-up1. Play the English song I am sailing, point out some key words from the lyrics and lead students to the topic of this class.

To help the students get relaxed, arouse their interest and lead in the topic. 2. Explain The Rule of Group Activity for the students.To help the students get ready for group activity.Step 2 Pre-readingAsk students to look at a picture from the text , describe and predict.To encourage students to make prediction and arouse their interest in reading the story . Step 3 While-reading 1. Ask students to skim the text and find information such as “who”, “when”, “where” and “what” from the story. To help students practise their reading skill and guide them to learn literature work.2. Encourage students to do word challenge and if necessary, correct their pronunciation.To help students know about key words in the text and get ready for detail reading.3. Ask students to scan the text again and find more detail information to fill the blank.To help students practise their reading skills and reading speed.4. Encourage students to read aloud the characters’ words with proper emotion. To help students feel different characters’ personality by reading their words aloud.Step 4 Post-readingGive students some tips and encourage them to act the story out.

To help students review the lesson by giving performance.

Step 5 ConclusionEncourage the whole class to send congratulations to the “Best Group”.

Make conclusion.To make a conclusion of this class.

Step 6 HomeworkAssign the homework of this class.To guide students to study after class.