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Knowledge aims: 1 Learn the words and expressions about wildlife.

2 Use the words and expressions in practice, especially in writing.

3 Master some methods of writing a description of an animal.

Ability aims: 1 Improve the ability of speaking

2 Improve the ability of writing

Emotion aim: Arouse the students’ awareness to protect the wildlife.

Important points:

1 Words and expressions used for animal description

2 The methods of writing a description of an animal.

Difficult points:

1 The efficient and effective methods to describe an animal, which can help students finish it during the limited time.

2 Present the description orally and fluently

Teaching methods:

1 Student-based 2 Group discussion 3 Task based

The Procedures of teaching

Step 1 Warming-up (5min)

Game Time: Flash Interpretation .

Ask students to translate the sentences during the limited time in order to improve their writing and speaking ability.

Step 2 Revision One sentence to describe. (4min)

Revise the attributive clause , using the way of giving definitions of the nouns(the earth, habitat, wildlife, inhabitant, harmony.). Meanwhile, revise the key words in this module.

Step 3 Write a description of animal (15min)

1 Present a description of the Siberian tiger to the whole class and let the students read it

2 Let the students find out :What are the five aspects in which the author describes the Siberian tiger.

3 Offer another five articles about the description of animals and then have a group Work: Summarize the words and expressions used to describe the animals in the five aspects and write them on the blackboard. After that, the words and expressions given by the teacher appear on the screen. Students compare them on their own and take notes.

5 Ask students to present their descriptions orally combining the details about animals and the words and expressions summarized. Only half a minute for preparation in order to improve their speaking and writing ability.