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Procesdures and methods:

Emphasize the activities between teacher and students, and arouse the interest of learning.

(1) Showing a short piece of video and let students abserven them, and try to leave students a deep impression of the Bai ethnic group. Show the theme of being happy while studying. Teacher work as a leader and organisor of the class.

(2)Try to lead students to think, to imagine and to create. Let them read the passage quickly and summarise key expressions and classify them. Not just show grammar in class, but make the whole class be positive and happy.

3. Value and emotion: Enable the students form a positive attitude that they should use the right expressions to express themselves not only in English but also in daily life. And arouse the sense of pride of our country and our hometown. 五、Teaching Points1. Important points : (1)Make sure students can master some key expressions which

can be used to describe an ethnic group .

(2)Master some writing skills while studying

2. Difficult points: Enable students master the ability of summarizing and create short passage in the class.六、Teaching ProcesduresTeaching stepsTeaching ActivitiesStudents’ activitiesDesign purposeStep1

Warm--up& Lead--in


Show a piece of video and lead in the title of the module ---Ethnic cultureLook at the video carefully and describe the main items appeared on the video.Leave students a general impression of the Bai ethnic group and let students describe them as much as they can.


Careful reading

(6 min)Leave students tasks.------Read the passage quickly and finish the exercises.Read the passage quickly, complete the exercises showed on the screen and explain them briefly.

Enable the students master the key points and key expressions appeared in the passage.

Step 3



Ask students to in groups about how to describe an ethnic group,Which aspects can be mentioned to describe it.

Discuss in groups and express their opinions.Leave students a basic impressions of describing an ethnic group. And let students to classify all these key expressions including the ones appeared in the passage.

Step 4

Writing (15min)Ask students to write a short passage describing the Dai ethnic group.

Write passages in limited time.Make sure students can master key expressions after discussing and make them practical.

Step 5

Show time (5min)Ask students to share their passages written in the limted time. And show teacher’s work based on the same theme.①Read the short passages.