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The discovery of DNA has been called the most important biological work of the last 100 years. Why?


Read Part 2 of the passage and answer the questions

Do you think stories A-D in Part 2 are true?

true:________________ false:_________________

1.But when he committed the murder, Waters left some of his own cells on his victim.(from story A)

What were scientists able to do as a result?


2. He’s a world champion again…(from story C)

Why doesn’t Mark deserve to be a world champion?

Answer: Because he is not a “______” champion.

3..… hospital tests showed that her child would have this illness. (from story D)

Why did Clara have hospital tests?

Answer: To find out whether their unborn child had _____________________________.

Read Part 3 of the passage and answer the questions

1. What will genetic engineering help scientists do in the near future?

_________new genes _______ people to create new characteristics.

2. What does the writer feel about the new developments in genetics?

He feels we must be careful in_________________

Careful reading

1.Read the second paragraph of part 1 and choose the best answer.

According to the text, the function of our genes is to ______.

A. pass our excellent characteristics on to our children

B. pass our certain diseases on to our babies

C. pass our hereditary characteristics on to our children