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师梦圆高中英语教材同步外研版选修9Reading and vocabulary下载详情
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选修9《Reading and vocabulary》公开课教案优质课下载

The text is taken from Book9 Module2, reading and vocabulary part and this is the 1nd teaching period of this module. The topic of this module is DNA-the secret of life and in the reading part, the text consist of three parts. The first part is a brief introduction of the discovery of DNA. Part 2 includes 4 stories about the technology of genetic engineering. And the third part talks about the development of genetic engineering and controversial issues caused by genetic engineering. Although the title of this reading material is DNA- the secret of life, this model focuses on genetic engineering.

II. Analysis of students

The students have learned genetic engineering in biology class. They are familiar with the topic. However, the vocabulary related to genetic engineering is new and difficult to students. They know the advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering but they need some guidance of how to express their ideas.

III. Three-Dimension Objectives

i. Knowledge and Skills:

Students will be able to understand the concept of DNA, gene and genetic engineering.

Students will be able to give examples of applications of genetic engineering.

Most of the students will be able to argue about the controversial issues about genetic engineering.

Students will be able to figure out the meaning of the context.

ii. Process and Method

1.Students will be able to understand the concept of DNA, gene and genetic engineering with the help of multimedia.

2.Students will be able to find out detailed information about part 2by reading and discussing with their teammates.

3. Students will be able to discuss whether GM food is good or not with help of the guidance on the screen.

4. Students will be able to understand the meaning of the words through context and practice.

iii. Emotion, Attitude and Value

Students will be inspired to describe the process of making GM salmon and express their ideas of whether GM food is good or not.

Students will develop critical thinking about genetic engineering.

Students will be encouraged to understand and develop interest in genetic engineering.

iv. Key points

1. Help the students know how to get text information through scanning.

2. Help the students to develop critical thinking by discussion.

v. Difficult points

Summarize what should be referred to and what expressions and sentences can be used when discuss controversial issues of GM food.

Cooperate with teammates to describe the process of making GM salmon.

vi. Teaching methods