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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版七年级下册Section B 2a—2c下载详情
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故事教学要体现故事的开端,发展,高潮和结局。A层学生水平来说,单纯完成教材上Ex.2c的任务比较简单,需要教师设置增加任务难度。教学方法:启发法 谈论法 教学资源:教材、多媒体、课件教学设计思路本节阅读标题为《一个难忘的周末》,讲述了作者一家人野外露营的经历。全文共3段,从故事的开端一直到高潮再到结尾。




Teaching procedures教学

环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设 计 意 图Lead-inT asks Ss if they like animals and if there are animals they are afraid of and why?

T may further show Ss pictures of some scary animals.Brainstorm and answer questions Arouse their background knowledge about words describing scary animals. Hopefully to elicit the target words: scare, scared, scary,Pre-readingT may ask Ss if they see a snake in front, what they will do.

T also asks Ss to read the title and the picture of a snake. And ask them to guess what the story could be about.

Ss guess and predict the story.

Ss can predict the story and learn the target words jump up and down.Fast readingT ask reviews the key elements of the story and ask them to find out the elements in the story in 2 minutes, by doing which T helps Ss to check their prediction . .

And then T may asks them to see if there are any topic sentences for the whole passage and asks Ss to think about if we can summarize the story using the topic sentence.Ss review the key elements of a story and read fast to summarize the main idea of the story.Practice of skimming and scanning

And the techniques of summarizing the main idea of a story: 1) key elements 2) topic sentences Detailed readingT asks Ss to answer the detailed questions below the story.

How was Lisa’s weekend?

How did Lisa feel when she saw the snake?

…so scared that she couldn’t move…

The first two questions they can answer them after the fast reading, but T further explain the language points in the 2nd answer: so… that

Then the rest questions are easy to check.

Ss read and find the answers.Help them to have a better understanding of the story.

And deal with the structure …so …that, shout to/at, It is important not to do ...

Post reading IT asks Ss to close the textbook and see if they remember the story clearly by putting the pictures on the handout in order. (see the handout)

At the same time T can check their understanding of the target words.Put pictures back in order. Explain the reason what they are doing in the pictures.

Check their memory and deal with the language points in the take a bus ride, put up, make a fire, tell stories and jump up and down.Post reading IIT may show Ss another version of para 3. Without the climax, the whole story sounds boring to read compared with this one. T asks Ss to think about why and they can discuss in pairs.

Then based on their answers the T can complete the mind-map on BB making the story reading like climbing a mountain.Ss read the version without a climax and then discuss in pairs what is missing so that the story sound boring.Hopefully they can find out there should be a “climax” in the story without which the weekend won’t be “interesting but scary”. T can also elicit the techniques plotting a climax: 1) a surprise (a snake in this story)

2) detailed description of the characters’ feelings and actionsPost-reading IIIT asks Ss to retell the story with the help of the mind map. Give them 3 minutes to practice. Then ask 1-2 Ss to show.Practice retelling and show.Complete the teaching objective-retelling based on the pictures and the mind map.Board design

A weekend to remember

(interesting but scary)



a useful lesson

