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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块二 Module II Making discoveriesTask(1): Writing a biographical article: Skills building 1 and 2下载详情

模块二 Module II Making discoveries《Task(1): Writing a biographical article: Skills building 1 and 2》教案

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模块二 Module II Making discoveries《Task(1): Writing a biographical article: Skills building 1 and 2》教案优质课下载

The elements and some points of a CV

The outline and language of an biography


Teaching approaches:

Reading, conclusion, description, practice, writing

Teaching aids:

Multimedia, projector, video

Teaching procedures:

Part1 preparation(before class)

Give students the “students sheet” in advance

Students’ task: read three biographical articles about Tu Youyou, Elon musk and Yang Liwei and answer some relevant questions to get familiar with biography and get some information about the three great figures.

Part 2 teaching procedure

Step1 learning goals

Introduce the learning goals to students:

Learn how to read and design a CV in English

How to write a biographical article

Step 2 lead-in

Free talk about students’ recent life and motivation to introduce the topic: invite a speaker to deliver a speech

Step 3 read and design a CV(student’s book skill building 2-step2)

1. What is a CV?

2. When is a CV needed?

3. What information should be included in a CV?

4. What should you pay attention to when you write a CV?

5. If you want to apply for a part-time job during your summer vacation, could you write a CV for yourself?

6.Do you think this person fits the requirements? Are you interested in her speech? What do you expect to learn from her speech?
