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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块二 Module II Making discoveriesTask(1): Writing a biographical article: Skills building 1 and 2下载详情

模块二 Module II Making discoveries《Task(1): Writing a biographical article: Skills building 1 and 2》教案

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模块二 Module II Making discoveries《Task(1): Writing a biographical article: Skills building 1 and 2》教案优质课下载

3. learn how to write a biographical article in about 150 words.

Learning difficulties and focus

1. How to collect key information from from a CV.

2. How to write a biographical article in about 150 words.

Learning Methods

1. Task-based reading

2. Group work or pair work

IV. Teaching procedures

1. Warm-up:

Qa: When you are writing a biographical article, what will you include in the article and how many parts will you divide the whole article into?

Qb: How to write a biographical article?

2. Tasks

a. Task 1 Collect information

1. Have students listen to an introduction to Steve Fossett and fill in the numbers.

2.Q: Before listening, can you tell me how to listen for figures carefully and accurately(精确的)?

3. Have students listen for numbers on Page 52.

4. Present a CV of the teacher’s own to make students aware of collecting the key information from a CV.

4. Have students play a guessing game

5. Summary and discussion

Have students have a summary of the game and discuss about what should be included in a biographical article.

b. Task 2 Collect information(from a CV)

Have students collect information of Steve Jobs and finish his CV.

c. Task 3 Organize information

1. Check the homework and analyze the sample on page 57 to show students how to organize the information in terms of structure, words, expressions, sentences and linking words.

2. Conclusion
