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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块二 Module II Making discoveriesReading(2):Boy missing, police puzzled下载详情
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《Reading(2):Boy missing, police puzzled》精品教案优质课下载

4.Gossip also can have a third effect:it________ (strong)unwritten,unspoken rules about how people should act.(2016·浙江,阅读A)

5.People have long ________(puzzle) over how the Egyptians moved such huge rocks.(2015·四川,阅读E)

6.As an old teacher he ________ (witness) the great changes that have taken place in the school in the past thirty years.

7.Now it ________ (occur) to him that his farm had much potential and that the death of the cow was a bit of luck.(2015·广东,完形)

8.The audience was impressed by his ________ (amaze) performance.(2014·广东,阅读A)

9.Our headmaster gave a ________ (convince) speech to persuade students to donate some money for the disaster area.

10.It’s vital that everyone (should) have a sense of ________ (belong) to the school.

Language points

1. Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who … (lines 1-4)

1) step up 增加,加速,加紧

e.g. a. He has to step up his training to prepare for the race.


b. 我们将加紧努力,以防止更多污染。


2) search n./v. 搜索,搜寻,搜查

eg. 1) I searched everywhere for the book. ____________________________________________

2) The police were searching the prisoner to see if he had a gun. ______________________

3) I must search for that lost money until I find it. ___________________________________

4) The police are in search of the lost child. ________________________________________

比较:search sb ___________________ search sb /sp for sth ______________________

search for sb/sth__________ in search of ____________

2. I didn’t see him but I heard him put on his favorite CD. (lines 24-26)

e.g. He put his coat on hurriedly and ran out of the house. ______________________________

The play put on last week was well worth seeing. __________________________________

He put on a lot of weight last winter. _____________________________________
