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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块四 Module IV Modern lifeReading(2):Not just watching a film…下载详情
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译林2003课标版《Reading(2):Not just watching a film…》集体备课教案优质课下载

一、Review the text by filling in the blanks to keep in mind some language points in this passage.

The p________ is about RealCine using the technology called VR. The RealCine experience will a________ you .Unlike a p________ audience, you can _______ that a VR u_____‘goes’ s_________ in the Himalayas and enjoy a enjoy a feeling of h________. To a_____ to the virtual world of RealCine, the h _______have small openings that give out smells and the gloves are connected to a computer n _______ in the VR s________.

Although an argument has been ____ _____ that some users will be d________ by RealCine, it is not real. With the aid of RealCine , a d________ grandfather took a trip to Africa in the c________ of the VR studio , f______ could train in a s_______ environment without the risk of getting ______ in a burning building and engineers can make u____ p ______ by entering the design of a n______ into a computer.


1. This presentation will give you some information about Realcine.

presentation n. 展示(外观,方式,外貌)

I am going to ask you to make a brief presentation on your survey.

★ make/give a presentation on sth. _______________

The headmaster presented the winner with the medal.

The secretary is in charge of presenting the papers to the manager.


★present vt. _______________

★ _________________ =____________________把……颁给某人; 把……呈交给某人;

2. Imagine that a VR user ‘goes’ sightseeing in the Himalayas. (P42, line 9)

imagine 想象;设想;料想,后可接名词、代词、V-ing形式和从句作宾语,还用于imagine +宾语+ to be结构,有时to be可以省略。

1) She couldn’t imagine ____________(live) in a place like that.

2). After hearing the bad news, can you __________________想象出她是什么感受吗?


1. — There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man.

— My goodness! I can’t imagine ___ that old.

A. to be B. to have been C. being D. having been

2. It is difficult to imagine his ____ the decision without any consideration. (陕西2006)

A. acceptB. accepting C. to accept D. accepted

3. To add to the virtual world of RealCine, the headsets even have small openings that give out smells to match the environment. (P42, lines 19-20)气味通过耳机的小孔散发出来,以增添到RealCine的虚拟世界。

The bad weather added to our difficulties. If the tea is too strong, add some water (to it).

