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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块五 Module V Balance and harmonyWelcome to the unit下载详情
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模块五 Module V Balance and harmony《Welcome to the unit》新课标教案优质课下载

3. Students will know how to get along well with their friends.

【Key points】

1. To improve students’ thinking and speaking ability.

2. To let students know how to get on with friends.

【Teaching steps】

Step = 1 ﹨ ROMAN I . Lead-in

Listen to the music. What’s the music about?


Step = 2 ﹨ ROMAN II . Group work

1. Talk about one of the four pictures in P1 and try to understand the proverb.

2. Tell a story that is related to one of the pictures.

= 1 ﹨ GB2 ⑴ Friends are thieves of time.

It means that when s______ with a good friend, we feel happy and r______ and almost forget the e_______ of time.

= 2 ﹨ GB2 ⑵ The best mirror is an old friend.

It means that an old friend k____ you very well. He/She can help point out your a_________ and d____________.

= 3 ﹨ GB2 ⑶ If you can buy a person’s friendship, it is not worth having.

It means that true friendship is p_______. It is i_________ for a person to buy it with money. It is b____ on t____, respect, loyalty, s_____ feelings and so on.

= 4 ﹨ GB2 ⑷ True friends have hearts that beat as one.

It means true friends are willing to share their h________ and s______ with each other.

Step = 3 ﹨ ROMAN III . Pair Work

Interview your partner with the following questions. And prepare yourselves to present your interview in dialogue to the class.

1. Do you have a best friend?

2. Why do you think that he or she is your best friend?

3. How do you get on with your friends?

4. How do you help each other when you have problems?
