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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块九 Module IX Communicating with other culturesWelcome to the unit下载详情
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模块九 Module IX Communicating with other cultures《Welcome to the unit》精品教案优质课下载

Step1: Lead in:

Show students a clip of video about the wedding ceremony of Huangxiao Ming and then show students some picture of the ceremony and ask them to voice their opinions on Exorbitant wedding by stars.Is such an exorbitant wedding a good example for us ?

Step2:Read passage A ,then answer some questions.

what’s the cost of the wedding? Where does the money come from?

Facing such an exorbitant wedding, why are there some netizens in defense of hem ?

What are the criticisms of the couple and the wedding ?

Guess the meanings of the underlined words and phrases in the last paragraph.

Step3: Show students a clip of video about the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine,then answer these questions:

1.What prize was awarded?

2.How many scientists won the prize?

3.Which country are they from?

Then Read passage B to finish the task-based Reading.

Step4. Read passage C, then answer these questions:

1. Why are some universities at the top of one list and placed low in other rankings?

2. What do the Times World University Rankings mainly focus on? How about the QS World University Rankings ?

3. What is the text mainly about?

4.What factors will you take into consideration when it comes to choosing where to study?

Step5. Show students a picture to talk about :Apps like WeChat mean splitting bills is getting popular.

Read passage D, then answer these questions:

1. Divide the passage into two parts, and summarize the main idea of each part.

Part one ( ) ____________________________________________

Part two ( ) ____________________________________________

2. Write a summary of the passage .

The passage tells us that_________________________________________________________

