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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版七年级下册Section B 3a—3c Self check下载详情
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1.Show a picture of Deng Chao and ask students :“What does he look like?”(本环节以描述邓超的外貌来引入新知,并指明他是我的朋友,为后面的任务达成奠定中心人物。)

2.Then I tell them :“Deng Chao is my friend. Yesterday he talked with me from the WeChat. Now Let’s see what we have talked.”

3.Let students read the words from the WeChat,then ask them two questions:

(1)Who will come to Jinghe?

(2)What are their tasks in Jinghe?


4.At last I will say:“Deng Chao need your help, you will have seven tasks to finish, now let’s see what they are.”(亮明今天邓超需要大家帮助达成7个任务,任务由浅至深逐一向写作内容上过渡,本堂写作课很好地将任务型教学法运用其中。)

StepII Presentation

Task 1 What foods are there in Xinjiang?

Let them watch a video about Xinjing Delicious Food,then let them write three kinds of foods in Xinjiang.(任务一比较轻松,主要是让大家通过观看新疆美食后写出自己所知道的食物。)

Ask some of them share their answers with us.

Task 2 Where would you like to eat in Jinghe?

(1)Show some pictures of restaurants of Jinghe, let students guess their names.

(2) Let students write down two places that they would like to eat.Then ask some of them to be a reporter from Jinghe to interview the others students.(任务二主要是让学生猜出我们本土精河的一些餐馆名称以及最喜欢吃饭的餐馆,本环节比较接地气,学生轻松地就能完成相关任务。)

Task3 What kind of food would you like in Jinghe?

Show a mind-map to let them know different kinds of foods

Then let them make a conversations with the target language.)


Task 4 How to order food in a restaurant of Jinghe?

First tell them how to order food from the flow diagram.

Then let students practice ordering the food.


Task 5 What kind of restaurants should we run?

Let students guess what kind of restaurants they would run in Jinghe.

Then show the restaurants that they really want to run.


StepIII Practice

Task 6 Do pre-writing

Can you write an ad for our restaurants?

First tell the students what an ad means.

