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必修1《Lesson 2 Parties》精品教案优质课下载



Language ItemsNew words: celebrate, festival, traditional, organize, conduct …

Expressions : be + done

Language Skills1.Train students’ speaking skills .

2.Help students master how to report .Emotions


Attitudes1. To make students learn how to report.

2. Let students know how to use grammatical rules into right use.

3. Appreciate traditional Chinese culture.Teaching Important Points1.To improve students’ SPEAKING skills .

2.To practice using Passive Voice in different senses.. Teaching Difficult Points1.How to improve students’ speaking skills .

2.How to help the students master grammatical rules.

3.How to learn the traditional culture.Teaching Methods1 .discussion

2 .Asking and answering

3. reportTeaching AidsBlackboard; Multi-media

Teaching procedure

Teacher’s activities

Learning activities

PurposeStep 1

GreetingGreet the whole class as usual.Greet the teacher as usual.Step 2

Leading-inAsks Ss to enjoy pictures. Shows pictures of different activities during the festivals and asks Ss what the festivals areLook at the pictures and brainstorm different activities during the festivals they know.Students can pay attention to this lesson and prepare for speaking.Offers some situations and recalls Ss’ vocabulary about festivals and celebration. Adds some new words to enlarge Ss’ vocabulary.Talk about things related to the festivals with T’s guidance & brainstorm the vocabulary about activities.

Students can memorize the new words .Step 3

Application of the grammatical rules.

(Ex.1)--- talk about the Spring FestivalSs are asked to look at the examples and try to analyse the rules of the grammar.Think about how to get the right structure to the corresponding senses.Students use the rules to help them finish tasks successfully .Ss will be able to parctise making sentences according to the grammar points.Speak and write down the sentences they make and check as a whole.1.Students can use the rules to make good sentences with Passive Voice. And then understand the application of Passive Voice.Ss will talk about things in the festival freelyMore practices.According to the key words,students can write a small report about the Spring Festival.Step 4

Discussion--Consolidatio--nCheck students’ workShare with each other their report about the festival.Students;group work to make students aware of the writing.Step 5