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Task 1. Read the fourth paragraph together. Which of these things did the girl’s dream house have?(P42.2)

a swimming pool, a big garden(yard) with trees, a balcony, running water, a games room,

three washrooms, “real” stairs, a basement

Task 2. Read for general idea:

Read the passage quickly and match the topics with the five paragraphs.

Students look at the screen and finish the task.

Task 3. Read the text carefully and answer these questions:(P42.3)

How many places has the girl lived in?(Para 1)

Where did she live before Mango Street? Why did they leave?(Para 3)

Why did the girl want at least three bathrooms?(Para 3)

Who did Mama and Papa talk to about their dream house?(Para 3)

Task 4. Read for details:

Read again and choose the right answers on your learning sheet.

1.What does “Each time it seemed that there'd be one more of us” mean?

A.It seemed that we would move to another flat after we moved to a new one.

B.It seemed that we liked to keep moving so we could know more people.

C.We always needed one more room for our big family.

D.It seemed that there would be another street more suitable for us to live.

2.Which is NOT true about the dream house?

A.It has running water and they don't need to carry water over from the next door.

B.The house is white surrounded by trees.

C.Everyone has a washroom of his or her own.

D.Other people can go into the yard if they want to.

3.In fact,the house on Mango Street________.