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《Culture Corner》优质课教案下载

教学目标:? 1. 通过阅读文本,学生了解目前劳动力市场上的变化和最具有竞争力的雇员的性格特点;?2.通过观看电影《当幸福来敲门(The Pursuit of Happyness)》中主人公Gardner的应试片段,学生能够分析并总结出Gardner在应试中获得成功的性格和能力因素;? 3. 通过和文本提供的最具有竞争力的雇员的性格特点对比,学生能够积极思考并发现自己性格和能力上的优势和不足,用所学的词汇进行表达。?



?Step?I ?Understanding

Watch the video and find out the difference between today’s job market and that in the past.

____________ was still in place. Everyone had a job, a cradle-to-grave job.

People are encouraged to find their own jobs or _________ new business.

Its demands for hi-tech and _________ talents grow each passing day.


Read the passage quickly and try to find out how many parts the passage is divided into. What is each part mainly about?

Purpose:?To know the structure of the passage.

Read the first part carefully and answer the questions.

(1) What does the sentence “ Today, five years in a job is a long time…” mean?

(2) What are the requirements in today’s job market?

Read the advertisement and decide what aspects are included in the requirements.

(1) Age (2) Gender (性别) (3) Computer skills (4) Educational background

(5) Communication skills (6) Language ability (7) Work experience

(8) Hobby and interest (9) Personality

Purpose:?To?help?students?focus on the all-round skills mentioned in the text and their importance for a job applicant.

Step?II Sharing

Gardner: I want to come up with a story that would demonstrate __________ that I’m sure you all admire here, like earnestness or diligence, team-playing, something. And I couldn’t _________________.

Gardner: I want to come up with a story that would demonstrate __________ that I’m sure you all admire here, like earnestness or diligence, team-playing, something. And I couldn’t _________________.

Watch the video clip of the film The Pursuit of Happyness and fill in the blanks.Martin: What would you say if a guy walked in for an ________________ without a shirt on…and I ________ him?What would you say?

Gardner: He must have had a really nice pants.

Martin: What would you say if a guy walked in for an ________________ without a shirt on…and I ________ him?What would you say?