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《Languages Awareness 1》优质课教案下载

To enable the students to think and make an outline of a story about one thing they felt proud/ashamed....

Teaching difficult point:

To enable the students to think and make an outline of a story about one thing he felt proud/ashamed....

Teaching tools : projector, ppt

Teaching procedures:

Step one: Lead In

Ask students to guess the name of the song while listening to a beautiful song.

Ask students some questions about the song and introduce the writing theme today.

Step two: Have a quiz

Activity one:First of all,students finish exercises on sheet one ,preparing more words they will need for the essay.

Then , ask students to add more words by themselves.

Activity two:Translation and correction

Make students translate and correct some sentences containing some key grammar points in this unit.

Step three: extended knowledge

Step three:Time for teamwork!

(1)First,speak out six key factors in narration.

(2)second,speak out the main idea of each para.

(3)Then, try to add detailed information to the main parts..

Step four: show time

Ask several students to read their outline of the story.

Show a possible version and read together.

Step five: Homework

1. Finish your essay and then polish it with your partner.

2. Try to remember the extended knowledge learnt in this class.

Step six : Reflections