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选修8《Lesson 1 Global Warming》新课标教案优质课下载

1. What is global warming?


2. Read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs.

( 1 ) A question to draw readers’ attention

( ) What we can do

( ) What is global warming.

( ) Consequences of global warming.

( ) Causes of global warming

3. Read the text again and answer the questions

·What is the biggest problem of The 21th century?

·How do you understand greenhouse effect?

·What are the causes of global warming

·What are the Consequences of global warming

·What we can do to save The earth?

III. Careful reading: Read and Complete the form


Human beings are causing______________________________ and it is believed that ___________________________ could be one of the biggest_________________________ in the 21st century.Para.2Definition:

Global warming refers to_________________________ in the Earth’s temperature that, in turn,_____________ climate change.Para.3Causes:

Many experts insist that the blame for this global warming can mostly________________. Para.4Consequences:

If we continue to produce greenhouse gases______________________, there will be more_____________________ such as flooding, heat waves and droughts.Para.5Action:

All governments have a responsibility to _______________________ and each person should___________________.

IV. Read the text and answer more questions.

(1). What is controlling the temperature of the Earth?

(2). Are greenhouse gases necessary for life on Earth?

(3). By how much has the global average temperature increased in the last 100 years?