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《Lesson 1 Global Warming》集体备课教案优质课下载

By the end the class, students are expected to:

grasp the meanings of some important words and put them into practice;

understand the article by using different reading strategies;

realize the severity of global warming and put forward possible solutions.

Important point:

Help students practice various reading strategies, e.g. predicting, skimming, scanning, ect.

Difficult points:

Enable students to grasp and use the relevant and important words and phrases;

Encourage students to take responsibility for society and come up with effective solutions.

Part 1 Preview assignment(预习任务):

Task 1. Make a list of some environmental problems.

1.____________________________ 2._______________________________

3.____________________________ 4._______________________________


Task 2. Vocabulary learning

Choose the correct meaning for the underlined word or phrase.

In the last few decades, scientists have reached consensus that human beings are causing the changes in the Earth’s climate. A. agreement B. consciousness

The scientists claim that global warming is relevant to human activities. The link is not a coincidence.

relevant: A. related B. disconnected

not a coincidence: A. happening by chance B. certain to happen

If the sun’s rays bounced back into space, the Earth would be cold an impossible to live on. A. returned B. jumped up

If we continue to produce carbon dioxide and other gases in such huge quantities, we are condemning life on earth. A. blaming B. destroying

However, some governments express reservations about whether global warming is really caused by human activities.

A. arrangements for something B. a feeling of doubt

Many people will sacrifice the green environment to make a lot of money.